How does Brand Strategy Works?

Sharing few but most work about Brand Strategy.
When I think about brand strategy, this african proverb always comes in my mind: “it takes a village to raise a child.”

It’s like how I visualize brand strategy applied to a product/service.
You can not just play one part and now do other things.
For the brand to be “raised” or hone, these are some of the things we need to consider.

1. learn branding 🖌️

It’s your brand’s visual language: logo, colors, fonts. The face of your brand.

Things you might need to consider:

– As the brand, what is your personality?
– Are you loud? are you interactive? fun? Are you educating?

2. Learn marketing 📢

Campaigns, sales, audience. The voice of your brand.
Heart sell, not hard sell. Do not just show or price your product, tell something about it that can resonate with your audience.

3. Learn UI/UX and design-thinking 💭

This is the web design, product design, user testing, etc. The logic and creative side of your brand.

Always consider human-centered designs: From your product quality to your digital marketing collaterals, always consider that you are designing for human behavior the way it is not the way you would want it to be.

Lastly, Learn Psychology 👨‍👨‍👧‍👧

Audience, client, people. The heart of your brand.

This is where you brand should center. Remember that you are selling to people.
If there’s one thing you need to consider in business is the never-ending cycle of what’s in and out.

But also remember that the major factor of this is the community that support and audience that follows your business.

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