Consonant o Katinig in Baybayin

Since baybayin is phonetic or depending on the consonants used in the whole word, learning how to write/read the 14 baybayin characters will be a significant step. But for this course, we’re going to use ‘Kudlit’ or the identifier if the katinig we’re using is pronouncing ‘a’, ‘e/i’, or o/u’, or if it is a single character, silencing the vowels that is, by default, included since it is phonetic. 

In this short course about Katinig, we’ll show you how to write the baybayin characters and use ‘Kudlit’.

Matutong Magbaybay: Katinig

How to write Katinig in baybayin

Writing baybayin character for Katinig 'Ha'

Think of drawing a symbol for the wind. The character uses one sweeping curve stroke. Refer to the video below to see how it is written.

💡Important note! Before writing in baybayin, make sure that the words are converted to their Filipino pronunciation. For example, the name “John” would be “Dyan” as it is the way it is pronounced and spelled in Filipino. It’s also important to know the language where the script is originated 😉

Writing baybayin character for Katinig 'Pa'

If you have seen the Baybayin character for ‘a’, it is like interchanging the position of the horizontal line. Instead of placing it on the left, we’ll put it on the right “wing”.

Please refer to the video below to see how it is written.

Writing baybayin character for Katinig 'Ka'

This character is familiar to some of the historical flags in the Philippines. Three strokes to do it. Draw 2 curves on top and at the bottom, connecting it with a straight line in between. Refer to the video below to see how we write it.

How to write baybayin character or Katinig 'Sa'

To write the Baybayin character “S” or “Sa,” imagine combining the letters “V” and the number “3”. Refer to the video below to see how it is written.

Writing baybayin character for Katinig 'La'

Writing the character for ‘La’ is like drawing a lightning bolt. An interesting fact about this character is that since it is the first letter of the Tagalog word for man (Lalaki), you’ll notice that the form is based on the man’s genitalia, hence its reference to the term.
Refer to the video below to see how to write it.

Writing baybayin character for Katinig 'Ta'

“Ta” is written with reference to how the character “La” is written, but at a 90-degree angle. To see how to write it, please refer to the video below.

Writing baybayin character for Katinig 'Na'

Writing the character for ‘Na’: draw a mountain-like curve and add a ‘lightning’ in between. Refer to the video below to see how it is written.

Writing baybayin character for Katinig 'Ba'

A reverted heart-shaped character, the easiest baybayin stroke to remember! Refer to the video below to see how it is written.

how to write b baybayin

Writing baybayin character for Katinig 'Ma'

To write the character nicely, use the correct order of strokes. Start with a U-shaped stroke at the top, then draw a mountain stroke in the middle. Watch the video below for a better idea on how to write this character.

how to write d r baybayin

Writing baybayin character for Katinig 'Ga'

To draw the character, first draw the number 3 and then add a curved stroke after it. You can refer to the video below for a demonstration.

how to write g baybayin

Writing baybayin character for Katinig 'Da' / 'Ra'

Create 2 curve strokes: one on top and one at the bottom that is connected at the left part of the top stroke. See video below.

how to write d r baybayin

Writing baybayin character for Katinig 'Ya'

Somehow similar to baybayin character ‘a’ but for this character, you’ll be adding a curve, almost a circle at the end of the stroke. See video for reference.

how to write y baybayin

Writing baybayin character for Katinig 'NGa'

To write the character, draw a vertically curvy stroke and add a horizontal one, as shown in the video demonstration below.

how to write nga baybayin

Writing baybayin character for Katinig 'Wa'

One of the easiest character in baybayin, a single stroke shaped like the letter ‘U’. See video below for demonstration.

how to write w baybayin

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