Modern Baybayin Art & Calligraphy with Mano Skrpt

In a world where digitalization often overshadows traditional art forms, Mano Skrpt stands as a beacon of preserving Filipino heritage through its exquisite Baybayin calligraphy. As an online business dedicated to this ancient script, Mano Skrpt offers downloadable fonts tailored for print, tattoo, and other formats.

Here are the things that we love about his works:

Custom Baybayin Font

Mano Skrpt offers downloadable Baybayin fonts suitable for various purposes from your business, education, and creative projects.

Check out Mano Skrpt’s basic, modern version of Baybayin font here:

Baybayin Digital Art

Aside from the classic Baybayin styles, Mano Skrpt offers unique designs like the majestic Bakunawa Print, inspired by the mythical creature from Filipino folklore. Bakunawa is a mythical creature in Filipino mythology, a dragon or sea serpent breathing under the Philippine seas. You can download this captivating artwork here:

Baybayin Tattoo

Mano Skrpt allows you to uncover the growing trend of Baybayin calligraphy tattoos and their cultural significance. If you do appreciate Apo Whang-Od—the revered Filipino mambabatok and centenarian recognized for her masterful tattoo artistry, in an artistic sense, then you might want to consider the storied Baybayin tattoo art many people go for nowadays. Watch how he created a custom baybayin tattoo design:

Connect with Manoskrpt

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