Published February 21, 2021

Preparing for the Journey: Starting a business

I know why you’re here, you have this wonderful idea about starting this business that you’ve been wanting to have since last year. That “Start-up Dream” that makes you smile and hope that one day you’ll reach and live in it.

I am here to tell you that all journeys require PREPARATION, because starting your very own business may seem fun and exciting, but it’ll definitely require a lot of time, resources, energy, & commitment from you.

So as a start-up owner myself, here are three simple steps about preparing for a business that will surely jump start your journey.

1. Learn the necessary skills & knowledge

Starting up a business without learning the skills & knowledge that you’ll need to get the job done is like running through a maze without a map. For example, Starting a bakery without knowing how to bake or having your own automotive shop without knowing a single thing about cars is an unwise route to take.

I myself have been ignorant over certain things I’ve done before. But that’s the beauty in life, each new day is an opportunity for us to grow and learn new things.

So start reading those books, watch those youtube tutorials, and find a mentor that’ll help you become better than yesterday.

Now that you know the importance of preparations, Here’s one of the most important things that you need to prepare:

2. Creating the Business Plan

This may be one of the most common reminders for each entrepreneur that is creating their own firm. Yet, a lot of them still fail to have one.

I wanna tell you this:

“Business is not all about buying and selling products to earn cash."

There’s a lot of things that you need to do and plan before investing time, effort, and capital in this business. Benjamin Franklin would say that “Success is the residue of planning.”

So start planning the ins and outs of your business now and for sure, It’ll help you out in running your business towards success in the long run. Now, for the most important part of your preparations before you start chasing those entrepreneurship dream:

3. Pray about it

Yep, that’s right! I want you to pray about it and ask God why you have this dream. You may ask God questions like:

“Is it because you want this business to help my family thrive in the pandemic?”
“God do you want to use this platform to help other people?”
“Why do you want me to do this?”

The answers to those questions are gonna be your WHY. And that WHY, my friend is what you call PURPOSE.

Purpose is an important driver for you to achieve something extraordinary. It will keep you going when the going gets tough and keep the fire burning in your heart.

Starting up a business is not an easy road but trust me when I tell you that it’s going to be worth it.
One of the thing’s that also helped me in this journey of mine is the TRIBO COMMUNITY by that aims to help studentpreneurs achieve their dreams by guiding &  encouraging them through Youtube videos, weekly meetings, and blog articles like these. 

I am excited for you to start your very own journey. So what are you waiting for?
Go and PREPARE, PLAN & PRAY for your future business now.


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