Published August 3, 2021

Tips on how NOT to ran out of content ideas

YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I think every single content creator, marketer and business owner will agree that sometimes you just simply can’t think of any ideas. We’ve all been here, stick to the end to find out how to get out of the snap!

It’s important to break up the type of content you’re delivering so you’re not giving your audience too much of one thing. Let me explain … I wouldn’t post about my selling your product 5 days straight because by the end of it, my audience would probably be like “OKAAAAAY WE GET IT!!!!!”.

Instead, mix it up by sharing a new topic each day:

1. Personal Story

This is what allows your audience to connect with you and who you are.

  1. Introduce yourself with 5 fun facts
  2. What is an accomplishment you’re most proud of?
  3. Get vulnerable by sharing a struggle and how you got through it

2. Behind The Scenes

People love a sneak peek behind the curtain to see how the show is run.

  1. What’s a typical day in a life of?
  2. Give an insight into how you do something
  3. Show the process from start to finish

3. Lead The Way

Be the forefront of people’s minds by sharing value n your expertise.

  1. Show your audience “how to” tutorials
  2. Bust a myth in your industry
  3. What is a FAQ you’re getting? Turn that into a post

3. Toot Your Own Horn

You need to put yourself/product out there so they will work or buy from you

  1. What’s your product/ service?
  2. How can someone go about working with you?
  3. What sets you apart?

Your community want bite size bits of information so it’s easy to consume in their daily scroll and
they’re not overwhelmed by too many things.

Whatever your niche is you can make each one of these ideas apply to you so that you are constantly
providing value.

Do you need help in curating posts for your brand? Check what can offer for you and your brand here:

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I’m @zsazshing your resident Brand and Social Media Ate At Tribo Community!


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